Alta Data is a leading supplier of MIL-STD-1553 and ARINC products. Offering a full line of PCI (PMC/PC104P), PCI Express (PCIe, XMC) interface cards for most computer backplanes. Alta Data has innovative real-time Ethernet connectivity devices, Thunderbolt , USB and INLINE appliances. Alta brings innovative design and best in class service for MIL-STD-1553 and ARINC customers. Visit them at https://www.altadt.com/

GET Engineering is a high-technology US engineering firm providing tactical data solutions to government and industrial clients. GET is a leading supplier of MIL-STD1397 (NTDS) ATDS hardware in all form factors as well as NTDS to Ethernet and Virtual NTDS. They provide multifunction I/O small form factor computing and rugged CISCO switches and routers. Visit them at https://gethdio.com/

Dawn VME is a leading supplier of standard and custom backplanes and enclosures for Military, Industrial and commercial markets. They support VPX, VME, cPCI form factors in both 3 and 6U form factors. They can provide commercial or rugged enclosures and power supplies designed to meet MILSTD810 or 901 shock, MILSTD 167 vibration, EMI/RFI and more. Visit them at https://www.dawnvme.com/

Diamond Systems is a leading supplier of small form-factor rugged I/O rich embedded solutions. They base products on industry standard PC/104, EBX, EMX,EPIC,ETS, and COM Express. Their unique combination of CPU, data acquisition, and I/O in a small form factor make them ideal for many applications. Visit them at http://www.diamondsystems.com/

Nova Electric is a leading supplier of pure sinewave, DCAC inverters, UPS power systems, online and true online UPS systems, frequency converters, rugged portable transformer. Nova systems have been qualified to military environmental standards. Visit them at https://novaelectric.com/

Jasper Electronics has been an industry leader in innovative DC power. Jasper specializes in the design and manufacture of specialty DC Power Sources, including CalTrans Spec TEES-Compliant Traffic Control Power Supplies and PDAs, Compact PCI from 175 watts to 500 watts, High Reliability Hot-Swap Switching Power Supplies for Nuclear, Medical, and other specialty industries, Low Noise Convection/Conduction Cooled Power Supplies, and Medical Power Adapters. Visit them at https://www.jasperelectronics.com

Nolam Embedded Systems Panel PCs and LCD monitors meet and passed the ultra-high strict Military Standards MIL-STD-704D and Aircraft Standard DO- 160C , EMC, EMI, CE, FCC, ESS, Vibration, Shock, Water-proof, Striking-Test, Sub-zero Low temperature and High temperature tests. More than 100 different Panel PCs from 6″ to 42″ and beyond https://www.nolam.com

Technology Dynamics is a leading supplier of power conversion products and modules. They manufacture switching power supplies, DCDC converter, DCUPS battery backups, hot swap power supplies, rack-mound and panel mount high voltage power supplies. Visit them at https://technologydynamicsinc.com/

One Stop Systems, Inc (OSS) designs and manufactures innovative edge computing modules and systems for AI applications including ruggedized servers (PCIe Gen 5), compute accelerators, expansion systems, flash storage arrays, Ion Accelerator SAN, NAS and data recording software. These products are used for multiple applications where high performance is key. Visit them at https://onestopsystems.com/

Xenics is a leading supplier of infrared sensors, cores and cameras. Xenics offers in-house design and manufacturing of SWIR image sensors. Xenics designs and markets SWIR image sensors, cores and cameras of best-in-class image, both linescan and areascan. Visit them at https://www.xenics.com/